Wound Care

The first step in treating wounds is determining the underlying cause of the wound and  if any complications present which are delaying healing.   Common complications that delays or inhibits wound healing: 

  • Devitalized tissue in the wound
  • Lymphedema
  • Nutritional deficits
  • Poor circulation  
  • Diabetes
  • Pressure
  • Infection
  • Improper  wound dressings 

Our wound care specialists are specially trained in all forms of debridement that may be needed to reduce the dead or devitalized tissue in the wound, i.e. mechanical, autolytic, enzymatic, and sharp debridement techniques. 

Our wound care specialists also work very closely with vascular specialists when poor circulation is determined as the cause of the wound.    

Nutrition also can play a significant role in wound healing and patients will be consulted on their dietary intake to determine if any discrepancies are delaying wound healing.   

The selection of the proper wound products and treating any underlying lymphedema is pivotal to helping wounds to heal.    Our Wound Care Specialists stay informed of the newest wound products and education by attending national conferences every year.  

When lymphedema is present, our therapist will treat the patient’s wound in conjunction with their lymphedema with complete decongestive therapy (CDT).  

Low-level laser therapy  (LLLT) is also used on chronic and non-healing wounds to help decrease pain and help increase blood flow to the wound.   

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy is also utilized on chronic and non-healing wounds.